First day of surfing nationals

Jugo Majster is an annual surf contest, where slovenian waveriders get together, tell stories about summer trips and enjoy some “competitive” heats.

While the conditions are super hard to tell, the waiting period stretches over few months, but November holidays always bring some days in the water. Thursday was the first day we tried to make it happen, but it all turned into a layday. Winds were simply to strong to keep the faces standing, let alone to get a fair heat for everybody. Everybody got to freesurf, so nothing was lost basically, hehe.

I wanted to leave early, but Katja convienced me to take a quick peek at Barbariga. Good call,  I got one of the top three sessions in Adriatic and still returned home before dark!

Click below for the video report from Medulin and keep checking the forecasts…

Ujusansa short

Ujusansa has been a great sponsor for the Untouched project and basically the whole team surfs with them in the summer, so I had some footy for a short commercial for their upcoming surf camp in Spain.

It is funny how you film all sorts of shenanigans during the year and that is normally just a bag of throwaway footy, but sometimes it is exactly what you need… everything happens for a reason I guess, haha.

Click below…

First in series of Ujuclips

As you know I take care of video stuff at Ujusansa. In summer my work consists of mainly filming everything that goes down in the camp and putting together clips for every group.

One clip per group consists of waves they surfed, so they can show their moms, grandmas and friends whats up and maybe brag a little, haha.

The second one, called Ujuclip, is more all around vibe type. It is pretty standardized as far as “story” goes, yet I tried to play around with timelapses and night shots a lot, while I am totally fascinated by the power of DSLRs and remote controllers.

Here is the first in the series of Ujuclips, they are coming up until the end of September, but I will not be posting them all. You can see them on Ujusansa’s Vimeo site.