Summer is a time when skiers and snowboarders are mostly chillin’. But it is also a time when everybody needs to gather their footy for the upcoming videos and promos before the next winter.
Seppi Scholler and friends at Love are making their fourth full length video and I have send them Matevž Pristavec’s footy, so expect probably best part ever from MP also in the Loveolution IV! (Online right after Untouched project premieres ;))
What I did not expect was the coolest thankyou package from Seppi. I tought it is going to be some clothing, but it was way better. A Lomokino cam!
I love “toys” like that, instant shooting rules, haha. Me and my friend Luka Šmid filmed on VHS back in the days and I recently discovered my grandfathers 8mm (sadly not working), which hyped me to get my hands on this type of camera ever since… thanks bro, really appreciate it!