Colours is a artist collective based in my home town, Kranj. They say that “…in music no size, shape or colour is inappropriate. Anything goes. It’s just how creative you are in welding them together thus building your own rainbow of sounds. As colours are, music can also be artificially composed or purely organic. It can fade away in a couple of moments after it was revealed or it can last forever. Some might like it and some might not. It triggers emotions. It takes you away. It connects you to other beautiful minds. It can work as a background for your personal soul-searching or as a media for expressing your deepest passions, moods and feelings. Anything that you see or imagine while listening to the music, no matter how tangible or abstract, bares some dye. Welcome to our world of Colours in which we’ve combined the power of music with the influence of colours.”
It is super nice to be part of a creative group like this, we already have some cool ideas for their campaign, so stay tuned!
Here is the teaser for their upcoming event in K4, drop by and show your true colours…